Proverbs Chapter 23 Summary and What God Wants From Us


This is a summary of the twenty-third chapter of Proverbs, the most important verse, and what I think God is wanting us to do in response to it. • #Proverbs23 #Bible #JesusChrist • This is a video explaining what I think God wants us to do after we read Proverbs 23. • The following is for keyword search purposes: • You can use this video as a supplement to your daily Bible study or scripture reading. It contains a Bible verse or multiple Bible verses from the King James Bible not kjb usccb nasb niv, and it can be used as a Bible verse of the day. • You can search other videos in the series for online Bible reading and encouraging Bible verses in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Some have Jesus quotes and commentary or Bible concordance. • Watch for your daily audio bible biblehub inspirational bible verses youversion Bible study tool. Discover some of the promises of God as you do a Bible in a year reading plan for Bible verses for healing and strength. • • Welcome back to ‘the bible says what’. Today I will summarize Proverbs chapter 23, which contains 15 of Solomon’s proverbs. Just like in some of the previous videos, I will give you a small sample of these. Hopefully you will spend some time to read them for yourself. • Solomon wrote: when you are invited to dinner with a ruler of the land, consider what you are doing. He is giving you deceitful meat and he likely wants something from you. Don’t try so hard to be rich. Riches grow wings and fly away at a moment's notice. For as a man thinks in his heart, that is who he is. His beliefs and worldview shape his very being. Don’t even speak with a fool, he will despise you if you try anyway. • Solomon continued: don’t move the old boundary lines for any land deceitfully. Do not trespass into the orphan’s field. The orphan’s redeemer is mighty and he will plead their cause with you in a way you will not enjoy. Do not withhold correction from your child. If you spank him with a rod you will save his life and you may possibly deliver his soul from hell fire. Do not envy the sinner. The sinner does not have a very bright future ahead of him. Continue to fear the Lord. You will not be disappointed. Buy the truth and do not sell it for anything. Make your father and mother glad. Don’t waste your life. • Solomon taught: do not drink alcohol or eat animal flesh in excess. The drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty. Who in the world has woe and trouble? The person who drinks alcohol or does drugs. That’s who. They will be intoxicated, will utter perverse things, will be attracted to unattractive women, and will get very sick in many different ways. Some will die horrific painful deaths. If you like learning the hard way and if you want many troubles in your life, disobey my command. If you want to learn the easy way, listen to what I say and obey. • The most important verses in this chapter are Proverbs 23:17 and 18 which state, ‘Let not thine heart envy sinners; but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off. ‘ • The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that people should avoid situations where they could be bribed. People should not strive so hard to be rich, because riches are temporary anyway. People should honor property rights and not trespass on other people’s land. People should not withhold discipline from their children but should responsibly spank in the right situations. Believers should be encouraged that their faith in the Lord will not be in vain. And God wants us to know that we should learn the easy way and avoid getting intoxicated on drugs or alcohol. • Do you drink alcohol or take drugs? Today would be a great day to stop. Be filled with the Holy Spirit instead. Perhaps you haven’t been adopted into God’s family yet? Why don’t you consider dying to your old sinful self and surrendering your soul to God today? Repent for your sin and turn to Jesus for salvation. Jesus humbled himself and died on a cross to pay for your sin, and the Father raised Jesus from the dead. God said if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and if you believe in your heart that the Father raised Jesus from the dead, you would be saved. Why don’t you do that right now? • Thanks for watching the Proverbs chapter 23 episode. If you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and share it. Subscribe if you want to keep up with these daily videos, too. See you next time.


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