Introducing the Furrow Runner Plow


Dr. Bill Robertson, University of Arkansas Cotton Extension Agronomist and Mr. Matt Fryer, University of Arkansas Soils Instructor, discuss the importance of improving external drainage using a furrow runner plow to create a shallow channel to aid in removing excess rain or to allow irrigation water to cover the field. The furrow runner removes residue and forms a narrow 6” wide channel creating a minimal amount of disturbance. • • Soil Health Institute Virtual Field Days are a production of the Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton project of the Soil Health Institute. Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton seeks to expand adoption of soil health management systems on producers’ farms through farmer-focused education and training events delivered by Soil Health Institute scientists, partnering soil health technical specialists and farmer mentors producing cotton using soil health promoting practices. The project aims to improve soil health and expand sustainable cotton production. Additionally, the project seeks to quantify, expand, and verify the productivity and environmental benefits of the soil health management practices used by cotton producers. Healthy Soils for Sustainable Cotton is supported through the generosity of the Wrangler® brand, the VF Corporation Foundation, and the Walmart Foundation. • • FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: • To learn more about the Soil Health Institute and its programs, visit: • • To learn more about the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s soil health programs, visit: •


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