Aristotle Ethics And Politics Philosophy


Aristotle : Ethics And Politics Philosophy • in addition to logic and metaphysics, aristotle also made some highly influential contributions to the fields of ethics and politics. • according to aristotle , the field of ethics is a practical science , mastered by doing rather than merely discussing or reasoning . it is also a general rather than a certain knowledge. • what it actually means to lead an ethical human life? that was the first question posed by aristotle. to him, morality is a complex concept , and so , it can not be measured by any simple way. in the way for exampe , that utilitarianism measures it on the scale of happiness created . unlike other philosophers such as the stoics and epicurus , aristotle believed that humans are self contained moral entities , that can not control their moral environement . • in his book , nichomachean ethics , aristotle explores deeply what is called , platonist eudaimonism , or virtue ethics . according to him , man is obliged to have a specific and proper function, which is uncommon to everything else , and which is an activity for his soul. • the best activity of the soul is eudaimonia. eudaimonia means happiness , joy , and the purposeful good life . to achieve it, aristotle suggest that we live a simple and balanced life , and avoid excess and chasing materialism . • in the field of politics , aristotle is considered the first philosopher to conceive of an organic city, or natural community as whole as organic , as a collection of parts that can not exist without each other. he argue that a state , or a community is a political partnership which existed for the sake of noble actions , not for the sake of just living together, nor as a social contract to avoid internal conflict and injustice . • in contrast to so many philosophers at the time , such as plato , aristotle had a narrow minded view of who should be allowed to be a citizen of such a city. the term city refers to the political unit with which aristotle was familiar, the concept of state as we know it in this modern day world was still unknown then. • aristotle had a quite chauvinistic attitude toward women and foreigners. his formula for political stability was a strong middle class , in order to achieve the middle ground between tyranny and democracy. aristotle may also have been the author of a model constitution of athens , in which the abstract notion of constitutional goverment is applied to the concrete life of a particular society . • in the next video, i will discuss aristotle philosohpy on nature and physics . • please guys help me by liking this video • thank you for your support. • #aristotle #ethics #politics #philosophy


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