Blind CSS Christmas Challenge
In this hilarious video, four frontend developers try to BLIND CODE a Christmas design that they have drawn on paper, within 30 minutes. No looking at the output allowed! #CodeFights • Don't forget to like and subscribe, and follow us on Twitter @CodeFights ( / codefights . Let us know if you tried this - we'd love to share your work! • Host: Carmen Chung ( / carmenhchung ) • Code Fighters: • Syafrudin Djamil ( / syafrudin-djamil-a3974852 , Georgie Cooke ( / georgiecel , Olivia Mo ( / olivia-mo-b13333b6 , and Ric Lavers ( / ric_lavers . • Special thanks to Valiant Finance ( / valiantfinance ) for hosting us and Clement Cheung ( / clementkcheung ) for filming.