quot𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄quot manifest your desiredideal life subliminal

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Kf4H2dOT0uE

🍇paid and free requests are CLOSED • ✨instagram:   / missubliminals   • Follow me on instagram for daily results from my subs and tips • ✨benefits✨ • 🍇have your most desired life • 🍇life that is ideal, perfect and wonderful for you • 🍇always have a happy life and be safe • 🍇always manifest anything you truly desire in your life • 🍇life always works out for you and in your favor • 🍇have your desired social and personal life • 🍇be the best, most desired version of yourself • 🍇have your desired personality, talents, aura and appearance • 🍇have your desired friendships and friends • 🍇desired number of friends, desired friends' lives, personalities and looks • 🍇desired group friends and friend group activities • 🍇friends treat you well, exactly how you desire • 🍇have your desired academic (school and university) life • 🍇go to your desired school/university • 🍇school/university is exactly how and where you desire • 🍇have your desired classmates, teachers, school staff and principal • 🍇all of them have the personality and looks you desire to have • 🍇have your desired grades and desired subjects • 🍇have your desired romantic life (if you are aromantic, it won't apply to you, so don't worry) and love story • 🍇desired number of romantic partners • 🍇attract your desired people/person/anyone you want • 🍇attract people from the genders you are attracted to • 🍇have your desired relationship and form of relationship • 🍇romantic partner/partners have your desired personality, career, finances, life and looks • 🍇romantic partner/partners treat you well, respectfully and how you desire • 🍇have your desired dates • 🍇have your desired sexual life (if you are asexual, this won't apply to you, don't worry) • 🍇have your desired sexual partner/partners • 🍇sexual partner/partners have the personality, fetishes and appearance you desire them to have • 🍇sexual partner/partners treat you well, exactly how you desire • 🍇have your desired relationship/connection with your desired sexual partners • 🍇have your desired sexual encounters • 🍇desired encounters are always safe, legal and protected from any type of sdt and infections • 🍇have your desired amount of sexual encounters with your desired sexual partner/partners • 🍇desired career and financial life • 🍇have your desired number of careers/jobs • 🍇have your desired work colleagues and bosses (if you want to work on your own or be a boss, then this won't apply to you) • 🍇colleagues and bosses have your exact desired looks and personality • 🍇be your own boss if desired • 🍇have your desired amount of fame and success • 🍇have your desired active and passive income and salary • 🍇have your desired amount of money • 🍇always be financially stable and happy in your career • 🍇have your desired family and family life • 🍇family has the personality you desire them to have • 🍇family has the jobs and finances you desire them to have • 🍇family always treats you exactly how you desire them to • 🍇have your desired spiritual and private life • 🍇have your desired houses/apartments • 🍇have your desired car/cars • 🍇have your desired clothes, accessories and shoes • 🍇have your desired phones, laptops and electronics • 🍇have your desired makeup (if you don't wear makeup, this won't apply to you), skin and hair care products • 🍇desired trips/travels • Subliminal Goddess and I opened a store for art, exclusive subliminals and reiki sessions. • https://teespring.com/stores/synergetic • New designs and accessories coming soon! • 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙏𝙤 𝙐𝙨𝙚 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙨 • ❥ The ideal listening time is between 30min and 1h but listening more or less is fine as well • ❥ Only drink water when your body asks you to • ❥ You can look at the mirror after listening, but don't constantly look for changes • ❥ Practice gratitude for what you already have and for what you don't have yet, as if you already had it • ❥ Learn how to cultivate an abundance mindset • ❥ Accept yourself exactly how you are first, learn self-love and acceptance and you will have way better results from physical subliminals. • ❥ Work first on your mindset, only then your appearance • ❥ Don't fake positivity. Allow yourself to feel negative when you feel like that. Forcing positivity will harm you more. Heal your emotions and any anxiety/depression you might have. • ❥ Learn how to detach/let go. Stop worrying about when results will come and they will come. Think about an online order: when you order something you don't really mind it that much and go on with your life. Sometimes you don't even remember the order anymore and get surprised by noticing it arrived earlier than expected. On the other hand, if you always bother the seller asking where it is your order, you will put more pressure and the seller can end up messing up the order and it ends up being delivered to you way later or even get lost. Subliminals result the same way. • ❥ You attract the energy you put out. If you obsessed over results, you will be focusing on lack and therefore only attract more lack (no results), if you detach you are focusing on abundance and attract more blessings.


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