DR107 One Design RC plane build Update 21 Covering
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This is a series on building the DR-107 One Design (IMAC) r/c aircraft from the Matt Mrdeza plan. This plan was downloaded from outerzone.co.uk. • In this update, the model is covered with both fiberglass for the sheeted areas and Koverall fabric for the open areas. Before covering the rudder, additional balsa was added to fill out the width to match that of the vertical fin. The technique of using Mod Podge as a heat-activated adhesive to adhere Kovarall fabric is shown. However, the fabric did cause a warp in the trailing edge which had to be resolved. This did allow a demostration of just how well Mod Podge works as a heat-activated adhesive. The sheeted areas of the fuselage were fiberglassed. A short audio demonstration of the surface texture that different polyester fabrics will give when used as a peel ply. The fuselage open structure is covered with Koverall and Mod Podge • followed by the belly pan. The completed wing is shown. • 00:00 Intro • 00:10 Modifying the rudder • 02:15 Covering the rudder with Koverall and Mod Podge • 05:04 A problem area with the rudder trailing edge • 06:05 How well does Mod Podge adhere the fabric? • 06:28 Repairing the rudder warped trailing edge • 07:24 Fiberglassing the fuselage • 08:47 An audio demonstration of different polyester fabrics used as peel ply • 11:08 The fuselage open structure is covered with Koverall • 18:13 The belly pan is covered with Koverall • 19:34 Wing completely fiberglassed