2924 GGAA Climate Action Highly Commended The Australian National University
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Carbon Smart Travel • University travel is one of the largest sources of emissions mapped by the Australian National University (ANU). In 2023, it accounted for 40 per cent of our reported carbon footprint. To minimise our impact, we committed to reducing our travel emissions by 50 per cent by 2025 from 2019 levels. With some new ways of working that have come to stay after the pandemic, our 2023 emissions have reduced from our 2019 levels. As travel is part of how we work, and our travel activities may be linked to positive impacts on our careers. However, every trip we make adds to our environmental impact. Therefore, we created tools and resources for informed decision making including a travel emissions tracker app, the carbon smart travel guide, and we provide ongoing institutional support for individual action and collective measures that enable our community to be successful with a lower carbon footprint. • Find out more: https://ggaa.acts.asn.au/