Using Timeline Getting Started


-ELDER VAUGHN J FEATHERSTONE letter is found on the church website. The photocopy digital information was uploaded by Elder John E Enslen from the Church History Department. along with his testimony of the truthfulness of the Letter, and witnessing it firsthand • https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.o... • -The first scripture listed should read D C 106:4-5 • • -Saints will know the Season of the Second Coming of CHRIST (1Thessalonians 5:1-6) • -Book of Revelation Overview (New Testament Institute Bookmark) • -Joseph Smith was in the 6th seal • -Book of Revelation Overview, showing when each seal( THOUSAND year period) Begins • -CHRIST's SECOND COMING happens in the beginning of the 7th SEAL • • -2nd CONFIRMATION that the 7th SEAL opened in the year 2000 in sequential order from the other seals (New Testament Student Manual) • • -While serving as a member of the Seventy, Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen taught:.. through the Atonement of the Savior, giving Himself as the ransom for our sins, He authorizes the Holy Ghost to cleanse us in a baptism of fire” (“The Atonement, Repentance, and Dirty Linen,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2003, 12).(scroll down to the middle of this link to get the quote) • • -7 yr Tribulation Revelation 8. Desolation Poured Out • John beheld a short period of silence when the seventh seal was opened—a time when the angels of heaven are awaiting the command to execute the Lord’s justice (see Revelation 8:1; D C 38:11–12; 88:95). Following this period of silence, John saw fire and desolation poured out during the seventh seal and preceding the Second Coming of Christ. Because the number SEVEN often symbolizes completion, the destructions of the seventh seal may be seen as preparing for the completion of God’s work on earth (see D C 77:12). These destructions are described in Revelation 8:6–9:21; 11:1–19. (scroll to just passed the middle of this link to find quote) • • -Revelation 9:4. The Righteous Will Be Protected • President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) emphasized that spiritual preparation should be our first priority when seeking protection from the calamities of the last days: • “Someone has said it was not raining when Noah built the ark. But he built it, and the rains came. • “The Lord has said, ‘If ye are prepared ye shall not fear’ (D C 38:30). • “The primary preparation is also set forth in the Doctrine and Covenants, wherein it says, ‘Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come’ (D C 87:8). … • “We can so live that we can call upon the Lord for His protection and guidance. This is a first priority. We cannot expect His help if we are unwilling to keep His commandments” (“If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 62). • -Prophet Joseph Smith clarified that some who are righteous may lose their lives in the trials and calamities of the last days: ‘the righteous shall hardly escape’ [see D C 63:34]; still many of the Saints will escape, for the just shall live by faith [see Habakkuk 2:4]; yet many of the righteous shall fall a prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by reason of the weakness of the flesh, and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 253).( scroll to the last quarter of the page to find quote) • • -50 YEAR TIMECAPSULES • He said the church will now prepare another 50-year time capsule this fall • and another one from church news about 50 year time capsules


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