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Welcome to our tutorial on Designing RC Columns in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis. In this video, we'll show you how to design reinforced concrete columns using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis and how to analyze their behavior under different loads and supports. • Whether you're an engineer, architect, or student, this video will help you understand the basics of RC column design and how to apply them to your projects. We'll cover topics such as modeling techniques, defining properties, and analyzing the results. • We'll show you how to analyze the results, such as the axial force, bending moment, and shear force. We'll also cover how to design the RC column using the ACI 318 code and how to check the reinforcement requirements. • By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of how to design RC columns using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis and how to analyze their behavior under different loads and supports. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more tutorials like this one! • (CLARIFICATION to a Question by our dear subscriber @Nii Sarpai) • The modification factor was applied to all inertias. This is visible during a split second before applying the cross section. The full input of those modifications was - by mistake - cut during video editting. • Some more details: • ACI code requires you to modify the bending stiffness of the beams and columns with corresponding factors. • Technically speaking, members can bend around yy and zz. • So those two Inertias should be modified, which I did (but was shown for a split second only). • Further proof to this is when looking at the K factor calculation of the column. The Inertias are reduced. • I still agree with your concern about Ixx. ACI code says nothing about it. It is the torsional stiffness of the beam. • Now first off, Ixx will not affect anything in our calculations. There is nothing causing torsion on the beam. • Still, my logic behind reducing it is based on the theoretical part. • You see, for a perfect cylinder, Ixx = Iyy + Izz • for rectangles, it is different. • Still, I thought that: • if Iyy is reduced • and Izz is reduced, • it stands to reason to reduce Ixx. • and that is the logic behind reducing all inertias by the same amount. • • Timestamps: • 0:00 Introduction • 0:27 Frame Definition • 4:20 Required Reinforcements • 6:34 Provided Reinforcements • 7:15 Calculations and Results • 9:40 Improvements • 12:41 Effective Column Length • 16:03 Outro