The unique probiotic benefits of L reuteri yogurt


We make yogurt using a special process to amplify the bacterial counts of a fascinating microorganism called Lactobacillus reuteri. • The two strains we use, in addition to causing release of oxytocin from the hypothalamus that leads to effects such as reduced skin wrinkles/increased dermal collagen, acceleration of healing, and increased muscle and bone density, also exerts unique upper gastrointestinal tract colonizing effects. This may be important in preventing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, that is now occurring at epidemic proportions in modern people. • People also obtain deeper, dream-filled sleep, increased mental clarity and energy, and increased libido via the oxytocin boost that this microorganism provides. • About Dr. Davis, Wheat Belly and Undoctored: • Dr. Davis practiced conventional cardiology for 25 years but became discouraged with the predatory and exploitative practices of modern healthcare. He now devotes his efforts to helping people regain magnificent health without doctors or hospitals with results that are SUPERIOR to that obtained through conventional healthcare. His Wheat Belly books have sole 4 million copies in 40 countries. • We draw from the health information of the world, collaborate, share experiences, collect data, and show how to apply new health tools to achieve levels of health that you may have thought unattainable. We do all this at a time when conventional healthcare costs have become crippling. • In addition to the Wheat Belly and Undoctored books, you'll find more at: • Wheat Belly Blog • • Undoctored • • And find Wheat Belly and Undoctored on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


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