Healing After a Breakup Processing Grief Guilt Anxiety and Depression
✅ Sign up for our Beyond Bereavement Course, which is designed to help you navigate your grief journey: https://my.medcircle.com/beyond-berea... • Life after a loss is difficult. But it's okay not to get over grief. Here's why. • Grief after the loss of someone you love is hard. Many people don't know how to cope with the grief that results from life after loss. And loss negatively affects your mental health and can lead to depression. In our MedCircle educational series on grief, leading psychologist Dr. Judy Ho explains how to deal with grief, the steps to healing, how therapy can help, how relationships with others can help, and how recovery after the loss of a loved one is possible. This educational interview is one you don't want to miss. • ABOUT THE SERIES: • Psychologist Dr. Judy Ho has helped many patients work through their grief and find recovery. In this MedCircle Educational series, she teaches those same coping skills to help viewers work through the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, and more. Not only that, but this series will teach you personal growth, how empathy can help with grief, the psychology of grief, and much more.