Dollarbird 佛法僧 ブッポウソウ
The dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis), also known as the Oriental dollarbird or dollar roller, is a bird of the roller family, so named because of the distinctive blue coin-shaped spots on its wings. It can be found in south-west Pacific and east Asia from northern Australia to the Japan archipelago and India. It has a length of up to 30 cm. It is basically dark brown but this is heavily washed with a bluish-green sheen on the back and wing coverts. Its belly and undertail coverts are light coloured, and it has glossy bright blue colouring on its throat and undertail. Its flight feathers are a darker blue. Its bill is short and wide and in mature animals is coloured orange-red with a black tip. It has very light blue patches on the outer parts of its wings which are highly visible in flight and for which it is named. The females are slightly duller than the males but the two are overall very similar. Immature birds are much duller than the adults and do not have the blue colouring on their throats. They also have brown bills and feet instead of the red of the adults. • • 體長約28厘米。喙短而闊,口角深裂呈紅色,只有尖端微黑。通體羽色多藍綠色,頭部和尾部為黑色。成鳥的喉部具顯著亮藍色,幼鳥缺少,頭部和背部雜有褐色羽。此名稱來自日本。夜間森林中「but po so」(音似日語“佛法僧”)的鳥鳴聲,被認為是此鳥所發,故名。1935年發現此鳥鳴聲實為另一種鳥(角鴞的一種)所發。