Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment Vitrectomy Surgery
Neovascularization (i.e., new vessel formation) is the hallmark of severe diabetic retinopathy. It commonly occurs near the optic disc and can result in traction retinal detachment and vitreous hemorrhage. Earlier signs of diabetic retinopathy (e.g., dot and blot hemorrhages, hard exudates) are also often present. • Music: • 📺 Subscribe To My Channel and Get More Great Quizzes and Tutorials • / @med4vl • #ophthalmology #fundoscopy #MedEd • Disclaimer: All the information provided by Medical Education for Visual Learners and associated videos are strictly for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from your health care provider or physician. It should not be used to overrule the advice of a qualified healthcare provider, nor to provide advice for emergency medical treatment. If you think that you or someone that you know may be suffering from a medical condition, then please consult your physician or seek immediate medical attention.