TOP 5 MOBILE UCN Mobile 5020 Mode No Death Coin COMPLETED FreddyGamePlayer
Finally, it took WAY too long than expected. All this countless hours had finally paid off. 50/20 No Death Coin on every single port DONE!!! • God, what a belief! In my point of view, this is declared the WORST port out of all 3 (if we don't count Clickteam's $7 version on Microsoft Store). There is no point on going through this. It still has the same problems as normal 50/20: click delays, Toy Bonnie Toy Chica being more aggressive than usual, RNG characters being more annoying on this port like Foxy and Toy Freddy, etc. Still, I'm glad I'm out of UCN Mobile. This was a crazy adventure and I'm thankful for all your support. I know it took way too long, but at least it's over. • Also, sorry for the bad Chroma Key editing in my vid. I guess that's what happens when you record with bad illumination. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ • Also, @Fede9562 , @Mr._Tru3 : are you proud of me? :D • Social Media: • Second Channel: / @fgpclips87 • Follow Me on Twitch: • Join the MML's Discord! / discord • Twitter: / freddygp87yt • GameJolt: • #fnaf #fnafucn • #ucn #fivenightsatfreddys #ultimatecustomnight #fnafultimatecustomnight • 50/20 mode • fnaf mobile • freddy • v1.0.3 • fivenightatfreddys • fnaf android • fnaf clickteam • ucn mobile • ultimatecustomnight • ultimate custom night mobile • ucn android • 50/20 mode no death coin • 50/20 no death coin • 50/20 no death coin mobile • 50/20 no death coin android • 50/20 android no death coin • 50/20 mobile no death coin • 50/20 completed