The Billy amp Mandy video game 18 years later
The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy is no doubt a classic cartoon, but the video game is as well in many regards. • today, the game has aged 18 years and I'm glad to say it still holds up, for what it is... • the story mode in this game is incredibly short but the other games modes included do there best to make up for it. • this game is very faithful to the series and holds many references that adequately reflect the tone of the show itself, pairing that with it's spot on sense of humor. • playing this game as a kid and as a huge fan of the show was a great experience and it made me happy to relive those memories for a short time in my adulthood. • • • Welcome to GameShack Studios. • Thanks for spending some time with me today, i hope you enjoyed this video and have an amazing day! • -- Remember to take care of yourself! -- • HEALTH (NUTRITION TIPS): • HEALTH • SELF HELP (MENTAL HEALTH TIPS): • SELF HELP • i am Brendan, the Prince of Pop-Culture. I couldn't be happier to be here bringing all of you the best contnent i can for you to enjoy. • Youtube has always a been facsinating place to me and growing up watching my favorite youtubers inspired me to create content myself, after several failed attempts across many channels i have found myself here.... creating videos surrounding the videos games that made me who i am. • MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO: TRANSITORY QUIETNESS (Eternal Ring OST) • • Eternal Ring OST - Transitory Quietness • Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy theme - • Theme Song | The Grim Adventures of B... • Sad Orchestra • • Classic games. Nostalgic memories. Good times. • the early 2000s was an amazing time to be a gamer, and as time goes on i find it more important to imortalize the memories i have of this time and of these games before they are lost to time. • Much Love