Pinard Stethoscope Fetal Stethoscopes Pinard Stethoscope for Midwives
A national training programme created by midwifery leaders supported by the Oxford AHSN aims to improve safety for low-risk mothers and babies during labour. The interactive Intelligent Intermittent Auscultation (IIA) e-learning package is the first to integrate real fetal heart sounds, helping midwives provide safer care when they monitor a baby’s heartbeat in the womb. This award-winning approach will benefit tens of thousands of low-risk pregnant women who receive midwife-led care every year – approximately one in three pregnancies. It is the only training package that assesses competency in intermittent auscultation to meet the requirements of the Saving Babies’ Lives version 2 care bundle for reducing perinatal mortality. The package is available on the Health Education England e-LfH hub. More here: • • The Oxford AHSN gets innovation into clinical practice to improve healthcare and generate economic growth through collaboration with the NHS, industry and universities. It is one of 15 regional bodies covering England commissioned by NHS England/Improvement and the government’s Office for Life Sciences. More at