How to Make Rock Fishing Spoon Sinkers
Subscribe to Newsletter • • How to Make Rock Fishing Spoon Sinkers with Allan Burgess. These are one of the easiest fishing sinkers to make at home. No special mould is required just pour your molten lead into some old tablespoons. Partially fill the spoons to make smaller sinkers. You can make fancy attachment wires from old bike spokes and even incorporate swivels if you wish, however, I find it much quicker to just drill an attachment hole for my fishing line with an electric drill. • You can purchase alloy moulds that include a projection for the holes but using old metal spoons is a proven, cheap, and consistent method for making these sinkers. • Safety is very important when working with molten lead. Wear eye protection, leather gloves to avoid burns and a face mask for protection from toxic lead fumes. It is a job best done in a well-ventilated area. • You can find heaps more about fishing sinkers and how to make them here: •