Runescape 3 Where to Pickpocket HAM Members in rs3 Location amp Guide Updated 2021
Runescape (RS3) RS EOC Where to pickpocket H.A.M. Members in rs3 Answer: • Teleport to lumbridge • Cross the bridge at the Lumbridge loadstone and walk North • Keep walking north until you hit an abandoned mine. • Requirements: Lvl 15-20 Thieving • Here is a useful link giving you access to more information on this topic: • • H.A.M. members can be found in the H.A.M. Hideout north-west of Lumbridge. They are part of the Humans Against Monsters group, as such, they believe humans to be superior over what they view as inferior races. They are low ranking members that follow the orders of high-ranked members such as the H.A.M. Deacon, Sigmund, and Johanhus Ulsbrecht. • Players with 15 Thieving may pickpocket female members, while players with level 20 can pickpocket male members, receiving 18.5 and 22.2 experience respectively. If you are caught pickpocketing multiple times there is a chance you may be beaten unconscious and are taken outside of the main area. When players awaken they may find themselves inside a jail cell with Jimmy the Chisel or may find themselves thrown outside of the H.A.M. Hideout. A player can reduce their chances of being put in jail or thrown outside by wearing H.A.M. robes. Each individual piece of the H.A.M. equipment reduces the player's odds of getting booted from the hideout by about 4%; a full set of all seven pieces thus lowers the odds of being kicked out by roughly 28%.[1] However, wearing H.A.M. robes does not increase the chances of successful pickpockets.[2] • They are a popular source of easy clue scrolls for low-level and Ironman accounts due to their low requirements. Ironmen also benefit from buttons which are used in Animal Magnetism and rusty swords used for the Easy Ardougne Diary. During the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest the chance to receive H.A.M. robes is considerably higher. [3] • While wearing the Thieving cape, players will always succeed when pickpocketing H.A.M. members. This makes it very easy to acquire easy clue scrolls. • #H.A.M. • #AbandonedMine • #Location