Eulers Disk Longest And Most Satisfying Spin Ever


What do you get when you cross a spinning coin and the Energizer Bunny? You get something called the Euler's Disc. Named after Leonhard Euler (pronounced oiler , not yoo-ler ), it is a perfect demonstration of kinetic energy in action and a great source of amusement. Back in 2015, I got myself an Euler's Disc after seeing it on Grand Illusions (which you can also buy from Vat19) and decided to make a video of this cool spinning disk toy doing its thing, and I was able to get it spinning for two minutes. You may have also seen this on the popular TV show The Big Bang Theory in The Allowance Evaporation where Raj tries to hold his breath longer than the disc can spin. This video was actually made on May 29, 2015. On average, you're lucky to get it going for more than a minute and forty seconds. For those who don't know, an Euler's (pronounced like oilers ) disk is a large piece of metal shaped like a coin that uses the relative lack of friction on the mirror to spin like a coin on its side but for a very long time. While the force of gravity pushes downwards, the mirror pushes upwards and the spinning disk continues to gain speed rotating on its axis until suddenly it stops. You have to spin it right or it'll land on the flat side and spin for no more than 10 seconds. However, the slightly off center of gravity helps push it towards the rounded side where it'll spin like a spinning coin for awhile (in this case for two minutes), accelerating in rate until it finally stops abruptly. The magnetic backing serves no real purpose except for show. A simple toy of amusement that has very interesting physics behind it. I hope to get it to spin beyond 3 minutes, if I beat my old time, I'll post the updated video. Read the Wikipedia article on this spinning disc toy for a more precise explanation than I would give. • • If you have one, let me know if it makes a good conversation piece when you have guests over, if it amuses everyone, or whatnot. If you don't have a Euler's disk of your own, I recommend buying one. I'm a middle-aged man and I have about as much fun playing with it and showing it off to people as anyone of any age would. And the noise it makes as it's coming to an abrupt stop is deliciously satisfying to the senses. On a funny side note, my bird seems to really enjoy it. You likely heard him in a few songs. • Check out these other similar yet equally fun things I've made videos about over the years. • Vortex Dome:    • Vortex Dome - Make Your Own Storm Sys...   • PhiTOP Egg:    • PhiTOP Magic Spinning Egg Stands Up O...   • Newton's Cradle:    • Newton's Cradle Underwater   • Ice Euler's Disk:    • Euler's Disk Made Out Of Ice - Will I...   • Disclaimer: The title refers to the fact that this is the spinning coin or coin-like object with the longest spin ever, as it was specifically designed to spin for such an absurdly long amount of time, NOT that this is the longest spin of an Euler's Disk. This was a longer than average spin, though. • • #science #educational #physics #satisfying #eulersdisk #oddlysatisfying #bigbangtheory #magic


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