Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Final Battle with healthbars 12


Robotnik has his drones fire missiles and bullets at Sonic, who speeds up his awareness just before they make contact and casually pushes the ones in front of him aside. He fires a blast at Sonic that the unexpecting hedgehog only narrowly avoids, the shockwave knocking him out of bullet time and into momentary delirium. But in the middle of this, Robotnik still has enough time to press a button that charges the Eggpod with energy from Sonic's quill, allowing it (and by extension, himself, to move and react just as fast. Narrating again, Sonic notes how this has brought the story full circle and earnestly wants to know what happens next. Sonic opens a portal to Paris, France, with him and Robotnik disrupting a mime act. His next Ring portal brings him and the doctor to China, where the latter chases Sonic along the Great Wall of China. • Next, Sonic opens a portal to Egypt, where Robotnik destroys many centuries-old monuments in his zeal to catch Sonic. Sonic uses his speed to create a sand whirlwind that temporarily disrupts Robotnik's visual contact, but Robotnik sees Sonic running up the side of one of the Great Pyramids and follows him to the top, firing a blast just as Sonic manages to open another portal Ring. • The portal brings Sonic back to Green Hills, now at night, but the blast sends him hurtling through the Ring and into the street, leaving him barely able to move from a combination of the chase and his injuries. • Join my Discord Server:   / discord   • Follow me on Instagram: •   / casey_alhambra  


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