Epic Seven Complete Guide To The NEW Alchemists Steeple Best Sanctuary Upgrades
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=L3tE465hrGA
#EpicSeven #epic7 #gacha • Video Edit: Actually, it turns out 0/3/2 is better as the final 3rd for right side of steeple doesn't do much, least for catalyst. might matter for the other stuff tho but those are less important for saving. • Check out the full patch notes for everything they just added: • https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/gl... • Make sure to LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE for more Epic 7 videos! Don't forget to turn on the bell notification afterwards~ And consider leaving a comment with your thoughts on the videos content too! :) • ◥ Follow me on Twitch: • / projectwar • ◥ Follow me on Twitter: • / momentai_bro • ◥ Wanna support the channel to see even MORE videos in the future? Become a Member!: • / @pwargaming