MGMT New Song Dan Treacy 2009 about singer of The Television Personalities
MGMT 6-9-09 New Song: Dan Treacy (about singer of Television Personalities), segue into 4th Diminsional Transition with a nice jam. Little Rock, The Village, sold out show, first show of Summer Tour 2009, first ever show in Arkansas for MGMT. I think they played 3 new songs this night, this was the first new tune. • • MGMT has done shows with The TVP's, in the UK in 2008. Before this song, MGMT introduced it as a new song they worked on with a guy from England. • • Also See video of 800 people in line from my other video from this show with Of Moons Birds Monsters , line outside The Village. • • Photography of Dan Treacy by Tore Hallas • • • Note the spelling Dan Treacy not Tracey or Tracy. Look up The Television Personalities band. • • Twitter me: / dgold