Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Surgery Repair Unedited by Kevin R Stone MD
100% of this video's ad revenue will be donated to The Okra Project, a global collective dedicated to providing meals to Black Trans People in need. More details about their services here: • Here are some resources I found useful when learning about systemic racism: • → Where to donate, what petitions to sign, + more ways to help: • → Open Yale Course about African American History: • • → How to talk to your family about racism (includes many languages; specific to Canada US): • → 13th - Documentary on the larger issue of mass incarceration: • 13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix • → When They See Us - Netflix miniseries based on a true story set into motion by a deeply broken policing system • We all have different ways of helping whether it be silently or publicly, but whatever the case, it's important to continue showing support for the black community. Sustained, collective action can result in long-term change for the better. • --------- • A peek into my thought process behind character designs based on Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles. If you're looking for books to read, this is my recommendation. The author captures the lush feeling of love and the pain that follows loss beautifully. • Wherever you are in the world, please try to take care and stay safe. • Program used: Photoshop • MUSIC • Laundry by Tokyo Music Walker / user-356546060 • Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 •