LFD Training for Village officials 241001

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LANSING, Ill. (October 8, 2024) - Lansing Fire Chief Chad Kooyenga was invited by Mayor Patty Eidam to recap the Saturday morning that Village officials had spent at the fire training grounds on Chicago Avenue. • It was Saturday, Sept. 21, when representatives from the Village spent two hours immersed in a hands-on training session to familiarize themselves with the work of the Lansing Fire Department. The session included donning bunker gear, experiencing a smoke maze, using extrication tools, and nozzle training. • The October 1 Village Board meeting provided an opportunity for Chief Kooyenga to share photos of the experience: • ===== • Thank you for following ‪@lansingjournal‬ and please spend time on our other videos as well. We serve a diverse community and offer a diverse range of news — important stories that are often overlooked by larger media. The Lansing Journal is the only newspaper serving the community of Lansing, Illinois, and a few surrounding news deserts who need trustworthy information. Visit https://thelansingjournal.com to learn more. • We depend on support from our viewers and readers in order to continue reporting in good times and bad. Using the Super Chat, Super Stickers, and Super Thanks features in YouTube is one way to support us. Or visit the Support page on our website to make a gift: https://thelansingjournal.com/support • Thank you for helping to make drama-free local news possible.


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