Top 7 Camper Boats and Amphibious Trailers for Sea and Land Vacations
In this video we meet Ben, who has built himself a spacious little minivan camper that fits his needs perfectly. His adventure vehicle of choice is a 2016 Dodge Grand Caravan. Ben has some great ideas and gadgets here! • DATE FILMED: January 2020 • ► BEN'S BATHROOM SHOWER DETAILS • From Ben: #1 in a bottle, dump where appropriate. For #2 I use a plastic Folgers coffee can. Doggie bags from WalMart fit it perfectly, then the doggie bag goes in the trash. For showers, most nights I take a sponge bath in the van using less than a quart of water. I use castile soap and just dump it out. When I want to wash my hair and get more clean, I'll go out to a private place in a gully or a forest and use 2-3 quarts of water. I'm not full time so I tend to be in non-freezing weather. I want to use magnets to fix a tarp to the rear liftgate on the minivan, which should give enough privacy to shower without having to wander off for privacy, and would make using a heated pot of water easier. I haven't tested this though; Quartzite this year was going to be the trial run. When traveling in Canada I use showers at the community rec centers. They range from free to $2.50. What a great place to go in the summer! • ► BEN'S GEAR • ** Reflectix for window coverings: • ** Ikea bed slats (I think these are the right ones): • ** Bike rack: XPORT Slipstream, which doesn't seem to be made anymore, but you can find pictures and reviews of it online if you Google it • ** Backup camera: It was $24 on eBay and is no longer available from the seller. • ** Ben's thoughts on his camping lantern: Faulty Yeti lamp from REI scratch n dent sale, fixed by me, works after fix but REI had a lot of them so the product has a problem, not recommended. • ** Single-burner butane stove: Hmart sells these for under $25, butane is available there at $5 for a 4-can pack. I think WalMart wants $2.75 for just one can so Asian supermarkets are the right place to get butane. • ** Perforated vinyl: • ** Suaoki 150Wh portable power station: • ** USB fan: • ** USB charging base for electric toothbrush: • -------------------- • ► Adventure Know-How: • ► The SUV RVing Website: • ► My online store (SUV camping/vandwelling/overlanding accessories SUV RVing merch): • OTHER LINKS • ** Gear I use: • ** SUV RVing the Book: (Affiliate link) • ** The blog: • ** The company I use for my web hosting: (Affiliate link) • ** Instagram: / suvrving • ** My other YouTube channel: / tenkaraaddict • #minivan #camper #vanlife