An introduction to flood modelling – why what how
This webinar is specifically aimed at engineering and environmental professionals, project managers and graduates that require a non-mathematical and easily understood introduction to the world of 1D and 2D flood modelling. • Topics covered: • •Importance of modelling for flood risk management • •An introduction to 1D and 2D flood modelling • •Guidance on when to use 1D, 2D and 1D-2D models • •Data requirements for 1D and 2D modelling • Jon is the Technical Director for Flood Modeller and CH2M Global Practice Leader for flood risk modelling. He has over 25 years of international post-doctoral experience. A key part of Jon’s role is to work at the interface of flood modelling research, software development and customer requirements to ensure that innovative, efficient and effective tools are developed and used to improve the management of flood risk. • This video was originally delivered as a webinar on Wednesday 17th January at 12:30.