Our Top 5 Dream Guest Stars for Glee Season 3

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http://www.wetpaint.com/glee - Visit us for more Glee exclusives, gossip, and spoilers! •   / gleefansite   - Like us on Facebook! •   / gleewetpaint   - Follow us on Twitter! • • Hey guys — I'm Jager Weatherby from Wetpaint Entertainment, and I want see more guest stars on the next season of Glee. Most Hollywood stars are just sitting around waiting for me to tell them what to do anyway, right? • • Glee crammed in a bunch of amazing guest stars this year, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Couric — who's now unemployed and could probably use the work — and lots of people in Bieber wigs, which is a decent substitute if you can't get The Biebs himself. As we always say, A fake Bieber is better than no Bieber at all. And if that isn't a Chinese proverb, well, it should be. • • But we're hoping for even more amazing guests in Season 3. So here's our wishlist of the top 5 celebs we want to see on Glee. And in fact, most of these folks have already expressed interest in doing the show. Then again, just about everyone and their mom has tried to get on Glee, but that doesn't necessarily mean we want them to appear. Yes, Heidi Montag — we're talking about you! • • Coming in at number five is the guy who started this recent singing-and-dancing trend: Zac Efron — the star of High School Musical, not to mention all of your naughty fantasies. We'd love to see the guy back doing what he does best — singing and dancing and swooping his hair — so we would welcome him to Glee with open arms. Seriously — just one hug isn't grounds for a restraining order, right? • • At number four is Liza Minnelli — and let's just say that Liza on Glee would be a match made in a very fabulous heaven. She's got the voice for it, and she can certainly do the comedy. But even better, wouldn't Liza with a Z be perfect for cougar-loving Puck? It works for Demi and Ashton, we vote for these two next! • • At number three is Nathan Fillion. As anyone who's seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog can attest, this Castle star can belt it out. He's already offered his services to play a mean Broadway scout, which sounds awesome! Sure, the show has plenty of mean characters already, like Jesse St. James and Dustin Goolsby, but catty Glee characters are sorta like potato chips — why stop at just one? Or even 50? • • Number 2 goes to Jennifer Lopez, as rumors of her making an appearance on Glee have been circulating for what feels like the last 30 years. Ryan Murphy has even said that J.Lo had been in talks to play a lunch lady, which sounds perfect — even if a hairnet isn't exactly red-carpet ready. Then again, she does have a million projects already, so getting her on the show might be about as easy as landing Barack Obama. Although how awesome would it be to see the president singing show tunes? • • As for our biggest dream guest star? That would be Mary Poppins herself, the one and only Julie Andrews. In fact, she's reportedly in talks to play Kurt's grandmother — and with Anne Hathaway rumored to play his aunt, we could have a Princess Diaries reunion on our hands! Okay, so a Princess Diaries reunion isn't exactly the same as, say, a reunion of The Sound of Music, but it's still something, right? • • So there you have it, our ideal cast list. But really, as long as Heidi Montag never ends up within 100 feet of the Glee set, we'll be just fine. To get all the latest Season 3 spoilers, head over to http://www.wetpaint.com/Glee.


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