Chrono Trigger SNES Part 17 Lavos amp Ending


Just time to beat Lavos. The first phase is a boss gauntlet, with Lavos assuming the properties of the bosses you've faced so far. You can heal between each phase, but the majority of them should be fairly easy at this point. • After you finally take down all the different forms this first phase assumes, an entrance to its shell appears and you can save and heal up inside. • Head forward to face Cell from Dragon Ball Z, I mean Lavos' second form. • The nastiest surprise of this boss is leaving one arm alive alone, as the surviving one will use an attack which removes all status immunites your party has. To make this worse, his left arm has 4,000HP more, so it's almost guaranteed a turn if you were just using multi hitting attacks. Hit it for a round to soften it up then use multi hitting attacks. • The head alone will still cause you problems, and Crono wasn't completely immune to staus. Life2 with Marle is the main Godsend here and it's definitely the time to use Megalixirs if your whole party ends up weak. • Defeat the head and you'll learn that Lavos is essentially a Parasite that drains the lifeforce of the planet it takes as its host. The true form is revealed. This is a longer fight than the second phase, but frankly quite a lot easier. Lavos is in three parts here, and the immediate thought is that the walking, larger creature is the real core, when its in fact the core on our right. • Falcon Strike was best for me, it constantly took out the Lavos Pod (pod on the left) every turn which reduces the defence of the Lavos Core. The Lavos Pod also heals the Center Pod which does the attacks with effects dependent upon the era. • Falcon Strike will take down the Center Pod eventually and you might get a free turn of more focused damage on the Lavos Core. If not, just keep plugging away with Falcon Strike and Ayla healing and after a couple of respawns you should take down the Lavos Core. • Crono awakens thinking he's about to be executed but it's all a ploy and it's time to celebrate the defeat of Lavos. People from other eras appear and the festivities begin with you controlling Marle and Crono at the fayre. • Everyone then hops into the time portal to head back to their era after saying their goodbyes. • Your cat and mum disappear into the portal too and the King fixes the bell, proclaiming it to be Nadia's Bell. Fireworks then appear and the credits roll. • The Epoch is seen flying in the credits, presumably to retrieve Crono's mum and cat. • There are multiple endings to get, and variations to a lot of them depending on a few factors, primarily WHEN you beat Lavos, and secondarily based on whether you killed Magus or had him join you. There's also variations on the amount of cats you rescued, but I didn't bother with cats. • I won't go for these other endings for quite some time, but a second playthrough if an actual definitive version of this game gets made sometime in the future could happen, I guess. • 0:00 - Lavos First Phase • 16:30 - Lavos Interior • 17:25 - Lavos Second phase • 26:55 - Lavos Final Phase • 33:55 - Ending • 43:55 - Credits


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