Resistors Part 1 Their Circuit Function amp Practical Applications of Ohms Law
In this Part 1 video of a 4-Part series, the function of resistors is explained in basic terms, including their effects on current flow and voltage drop. Ohm's Law is discussed and individual formulas are derived for Voltage (Drop), Current, and Resistance calculation. Finally, the formulas and theory are applied to three different and very practical applications within an amp circuit. This video is intended to lay the groundwork for future videos delving into the mysteries of the Fender Input Circuit, Plate Resistors, Calculation of Power and Resistor Wattage, Grid-Leak Resistors, Cathode-Bias Resistors, Grid-Stopper Resistors, and other resistor applications commonly found within the amplifier circuit. • Here is a link to a great pie chart showing all the different formulas for Ohm's Law: • If clear, basic explanations of all aspects of tube amplifier design and function are of interest to you, as well as antique jukeboxes and unique electro-mechanical marvels, please subscribe to my channel to gain immediate access to over 120 related videos. Thanks for watching.