eaJ Car Crash Official Lyric Video
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=LBtxGv8oqGw
You might have seen pictures of the infamous 200MPH Lamborghini Crash from 2014, but what exactly happened in the moments leading up to it, and what happened to the driver and passenger? • • Footage Credit: • https://www.police.hu/ • • Music is produced by me. This song hasn't been released. • • Picture This: • You and your mate are speeding through traffic in a bright green Lamborghini • Huracan. You feel on top of the world, invincible, but not for long. • Whilst you're speeding down the M7 motorway in Hungary at 194MPH, disaster strikes. • This terrible incident happened to two passengers in September of 2014, • and there is actually first person footage of the crash. Don't worry, it's not graphic but it can be quite distressing so if you have a weaker stomach for this sort of thing, skip ahead to this time stamp. • • Most of what we know about this crash is from this single video, which was released by Hungarian authorities as a cautionary tale a few months after the crash, which is where we learn just how lucky our dynamic duo driving the Lambo truly were. • • The car went into what looked like a pretty big dent in the road, causing the 36 year old driver to completely lose control from the sudden jolt, which seems to have caused them to lose traction. • Whether the car started skidding from this or from the driver overcorrecting is hard to tell, but they end up smashing the left barrier, before bouncing back and going straight off the right side of the motorway with immense speed, flipping over and landing in a ditch behind the broken barriers at around 2PM. • • These pictures show just how lucky the pair were. From the markings to track their tyre marks, we can see that despite wrecking the road barrier, the car also luckily happened to crash into what is essentially an empty grass field, with nothing but grass and soil to crash into. Had that barrier been stronger, or the field had trees or buildings on the land, this story could have easily ended a lot worse. • • Here's the aftermath of the Czech car. The already crumbled wreck burst into flames and what was left of the car basically became a bonfire.