‘Drowning LoveOboreru Knife Ending Explained Review amp Analysis Komatsu Nana Suda Masaki

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#DrowningLove #OboreruKnife #SudaMasaki #KomatsuNana • After hearing the news that Komatsu Nana and Suda Masaki finally got married, following their reunion project Ito or Tapestry, my mind immediately went back to when I — and I think a lot of J-drama fans — saw their amazing chemistry: Drowning Love or Oboreru Knife (2016). • This movie is one of the most memorable films I’ve seen at the time, considering that despite it being confusing, there’s a certain draw to it that compelled me to watch it from start to finish. There was beauty in its chaos that isn’t just because of the stellar performance of its two leads, but also because its cinematography and narrative spoke a very intriguing message. • Most of the people who’ve seen this (at least from what I’ve read on the internet) found it alluring despite its vagueness, which compelled me to give it a second watch after hearing about Suda and Komatsu’s reunion. This time, however, instead of just drowning — pun obviously intended — in what the movie feeds me, I figured I’ll give it my best to really look into its themes and understand it “beyond the lens” as Komatsu’s character Natsume have said in one of the dialogues. • talk to me: •   / amandamaziiing   •   / amandamaziiing   • https://www.amandamaziiing.wordpress.com •   / amandamaziiing   https://open.spotify.com/show/2GxGbLV... [email protected]


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