Burning the Worlds Tallest Ravana At Chandigarh Dussehra First Look
Today on dusshehra 2019 evening the world's tallest Ravana which was about 220 feet in height was burnt after lord Rama killed the Ravana in Ram Leela. 27 lakh rupees were invested to build this tallest Ravana. Dusshehra denotes the win of truth over the bad. This evening comes just 20 days before diwali. • Sharing the Moments just after the ravana was killed by Lord Rama using brahm astra. • Eight October, 2019 was the day when the biggest Raavan effigy of 220 feet was burnt in Dhanas setting a new world record by our very own Rana ji. Mostly the effigies are made around twenty feet tall, so the occasion procures a large amount of employment, and the work needs to be started months before the festival, as a lot of preparations goes in the completion of the effigies, and the them being so huge are divided up in parts and then assembled up when erected. But there is a new trend that has been started recently in which the effigy of Raavan has been added in the Limca book of records, seems odd right? This is because the Raavan recently made have started to be more than 100 feet tall. In 2018, the biggest Raavan was 210 feet and this time it was around 220 feet. • • The Ravana burnt last year was all over the news and this time again the media is not behind and is covering all the latest updates of the procedure. The architect of this huge Ravan goes by the name • So, after the completion of different parts of the effigy, it was assembled together as one structure on the ground, after which modern mechanical engineering did their magic. Firstly, a JCB machine was utilised to make approximately 8 feet deep holes in the ground in which the main metallic structure stands, and then it was reinforced by putting the structure back in the holes. The Raavan came to a vertical position using a pully system. According to Rana ji, the height of the Raavan should be this much to signify the evil present in the modern society today and it is important to eradicate it from this world. An estimated thirty lakh rupees had been spent in building this remarkable man-made marvel. The Raavan effigy had been given a sword and a shield as his weapons, some metrics of this huge Raavan was the moustache, being said to be around twenty-five feet long while the shoe size was forty feet. • Like the previous year, the process of burning the effigy was started from the head by exploding the remote controlled explosives which symbolised the destruction of the ten heads of Raavan by Lord Ram, after that the body of the effigy was burnt using the fire based eco-friendly crackers which engulfed the effigy in flames and burn it down to ashes. Remnants that stand were the metallic structure which had been utilised to stand the Raavan erect and helped it withstand the unforeseen of mother nature. • India is a land of diversity, with a wide variety of population coming from different origin, comes a variety of festivities, which are adored and enjoyed by all the people of India. Each area; north, south, east, or west has its own major festival that is enjoyed and celebrated at a large scale. One of the festivals that is widely recognised and celebrated majorly in the northern region is “Dusherra” . • • Hopefully, after burning this 220 feet huge effigy we will be able to preserve this dying event of Dusshera and will be able to make our children understand that the path of truth, may it be difficult or may it be long, is the best and the most prosperous path to walk on, and will be the most beneficial for the future of this country and our planet earth that allow us to live on it. To mark the end of the article, let us keep the pureness of Lord Ram, Lord Laxman, and Mata Sita in our hearts and burn the evil Ravana within all of us. • Be blessed. Happy Dusherra! • Ravan dahan is done after sunset. • #raavan #ravana #tallestravana #biggestravana #dhanasraavan #chandigarhravana • #dussehra2020 • #ravana2020 • #tallestravana2020 • #biggestravana2020 • #tallestravana2020 • #ram#jaishriram #dussehra #ramsita #ayodhya #ramayodhya • #ravandahan • #ravandehan