quotCrown him with many crownsquot St Bartholomews Church
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#494 from The Hymnal 1982: Closing Hymn for the Seventh Sunday of Easter ( Sunday after Ascension Day ) at St. Bartholomew's, an Episcopal church in New York City on June 5, 2011. • The words of this joyous coronation hymn were written by Matthew Bridges in the 19th century, and set to the tune of 'Diademata', composed by George Job Elvey, with a descant by Richard Proulx. The tune shares its ending with Valet will ich dir geben ( All glory, laud, and honor ). • The poetry of this hymn is worth a brief analysis. Each stanza begins with a title of Christ with which he is to be crowned. The soaring melody expands upon the reasons behind the royal titles. The hymn ends with a beautiful recall of the opening. • This hymn is often sung to an upbeat tempo to reflect the joy of the words, and so it should be, but I like this slower performance of it; it evokes a dignified, royal procession and arguably encourages a deeper reflection on what it means to crown Christ. • In Spanish, the hymn can be found as Al Salvador Jesús (canciones por doquier) , and in Danish Kron ham til harpers klang .