Compact Item Filter Minecraft Tutorial
LOTS MORE INFORMATION DOWN HERE • ... • ... • The toots continue! Many fart jokes have yet to be had! PULL MAH FINGER AND GIVE ME A LIKE DANGIT. Anyways. I built something like this in my LP world to filter iron/roses out and Andrew H. asked for a tutorial, so here it is! =DDDDDD • EDIT: Quick note, the URL for this video is LEET. Can I get a few more likes/favorites for that? XD • TIME REFERENCES • Step One: 0:47 Filter body • Step Two: 1:57 Filter memory • Step Three: 3:12 Conveyor belt • EXTRA INFORMATION: • --The ice/water conveyor belt can be replaced with a hopper-pipe. • --If you're attempting to filter out EGGS, you'll need to replace the signs with some other block that can stack to 64 that your filter will never see. • --If you're wanting to filter out signs, you'll need to replace them with something else your filter will never see. Named signs (using an anvil) are great because they are totally unique and will never stack with another block. (Named signs suggested by gruosd ) • REQUIRED BLOCKS: • Solid block, repeaters, comparators, redstone dust, redstone torches, hoppers, water/bucket, signs, chests, and ice. • TROUBLESHOOTING: • 1. Hoppers pointing the correct direction? • 2. Repeater and comparator facing appropriately? • 3. Make sure there are only 4 signs in each upper hopper, placed in slots 2-5. • 4. Items only exist for FIVE minutes once they're dropped. Make sure your filter gathers them before that. • 5. Check your hoppers again. • If you're still having problems, ask below and hopefully another TUTor will help you! • FOR THE TUT-ORS: • AFK Fishing Farm: • Auto Melon Farm: • Simple Iron Golem Farm: • Bulk Sugarcane Farm: • 5-Option Chicken Farm: • New Blaze Spawner Farm: • --------------------------------- • Check out the NimsGaming Livestreams! • / nimsgaming • Maybe do that Twitter thing with me? • / philipnims • Become a Patron and support NimsTUTS! • / nimstv • ---------------------------------