Land Revenue Act 1967 DEFINITIONS section 4 lecture 2
Land Revenue Act / 1967 / DEFINITIONS / section / 4/ • #landrevenueact1967 #boardofrevenue #revenuecourt • • Land Revenue Act / 1967 / DEFINITIONS... • • Land Revenue Act 1967 / outline / all... • Sindh land Revenue act 1967 • With amendment 1967 • Section 4 definitions • Agricultural year , arrears, assessment circle • Board of revenue, boundary Mark, commencement, defaulter , estate, holding • Irrigated land means land irritated by a canal ,tube well , well , lift spring ,tank or by any other artificial means of irrigation • Landlord • Land owner kanugo • Revenue court and Revenue officer • #land #landreforms #landrevenueact1967 #landrules #sindhlandrevenu • #landlord #landowner #rent #rentalproperty #revenue #legalandregulatoryaspectsofbankingrevenueexpenditure #revenusupplementaire #revenuec