Respublica Gerald Fords Rise to Power ONLINE POLITICAL SIMULATOR
Respublica is an online political simulator game where you create a candidate and try to grow your influence over the nation of your choosing. I am playing as Nelson Rockefeller with my friend KittyTeam who is playing Gerald Ford. We only have one goal: To have Gerald Ford become the prime minister of the United Kingdom. To do this, we need to increase our influence and get into the house of commons. • KittyTeam: / kittyteam • The Game: • The Discord for the Party: / discord • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Twitter » / itsjackson9 • Subscribe » / @itsjackson • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Welcome to my channel, It's Jackson. As you probably guessed, my name is Jackson. I make videos on all different kinds of games. These include Minecraft, HOI4, Windward, Ect. If you enjoy my content, don't forget to subscribe. • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Respublica Political Simulator 2020 United Kingdom Prime Minister Gerald Ford