ASSATA aka Joanne Chesimard Trailer 2008
Trailer for the independent film Assata aka Joanne Chesimard a film by FRED BAKER, with Music by ROY HARGROVE,featuring appearances by KATHLEEN CLEAVER, ASSATA SHAKUR and other personages involved in the revolutionary Black Power movement of the 60's and 70's, a movement that still rages on today. • In 1977, ASSATA SHAKUR was falsely and unjustly convicted and sentenced to Life in prison for the trumped-up charge of killing a NJ State Highway Patrolman in a highly publicized and controvercial 1973 Shootout on the NJ Turnpike. More a police massacre of leading Black Panthers than a shootout, in which she was wounded, left to bleed to death, tortured in captivity. In the shoot-up , Zayd Malik Shakur, a leading figure in the BLack Panther Party, was killed by the police. A 3rd Panther, Sundiata Acoli was later captured and similarly sentenced to Life for the same bogus cop Killing charges. He is still unjustly serving that sentence today. • • ASSATA, began serving her sentence in a maximum security prison in N.J., but then, with the help of three young freedom fighters who managed to get into the prison, she miraculously escaped without harm to anyone: eventually emerging some years later to be living in protective political exile in Castro's Cuba. • With her best selling book Assata, an autobiography , she has since grown into a major heroic figure with great influence and following among hundreds of thousands of politically aware youth worldwide today. She is held out reverently, almost religiously, by them as a shining Joan Of Arc symbol in the on-going struggle for freedom of all people of color from all forms of slavery and brutal incarceration. She is for this struggle, a modern day Harriet Tubman, the female Che Guevara, who lives on to wage this necessary battle; finally, hopefully, to one day bring about the end to racial oppression and injustice in the world! • • For more information, go to • • See more at • •