The Detail Boss B29 quotTSquare 54quot Superfortress
Want to use products like the pros? Click the link below: • We had yet another opportunity of a lifetime. We detailed a historic B-29 Bomber. Specifically named T-Square 54 , this Superfortress WWII Bomber flew in 37 documented bombing missions, and many top secret missions back in the 1940s. It was an absolute honor to restore this piece of aviation history, knowing the battles its been through, and the true American heroes who manned the aircraft during each and every hour of the dangerous missions it set out to accomplish. This video is dedicated to those who served and who gave their lives in World War II, along with the crew members of this aircraft. Thank you and God bless from not only The Detail Boss, but from everyone on our team who worked on the project and those who were able to give us this opportunity! • • Copyright infringement is not intended in this video. All music used in this video is used for entertainment purposes only. All rights reserved to the rightful owners of any and all music used in this video.