Ancient Period Enrico Piergiacomi Leontion and Epicurean Woman Body
Recent events have shown that it is urgent and fundamentally important to shed new light, through philosophical, linguistic, literary, scientific, medical and artistic perspectives, on the female body and the position of women in relation to their body. Too often it seems that women do not have the right to determine their own body, although men have never been deprived of this right. The question of power over the body is strongly linked to the distinction between men and women. It seems that men have more rights and power on their own body than women. But how is this possible? What is the status of the female body in culture and society? Why is the female body both, an object of desire and a battlefield for demonstrating male power? To what extent have medicine and technology interfered in recent years with the female body and with what consequences? • On March 15th, 16th and 17th 2023, the huge, hybrid, international Conference Women and their Body, organised by Dr. Jil Muller and the team, took place at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, directed by Prof. Dr. Ruth E. Hagengruber. The conference intended to enlarge the network by making it more interdisciplinary, starting with a multidisciplinary Talk Series and Conference. Early scholars as well as established researchers were invited to send abstracts covering different fields in the humanities, speaking about Women and their body. • The conference was a great success. We had more than 270 registered participants from all over the world, who wanted to share ideas on the crucial questions concerning the female body. The speakers, coming from all over Europe, US, Brazil, Japan, India, Nigeria, Israel, the Philippines and Ukraine, tried to find answers and to set new goals for the future, where the female gaze is adopted and respected. It was a very fruitful and constructive Conference, with lively and respectful exchanges in friendship. • If you are interested to watch more of our videos subscribe to our channel! / womenphilosophers • Follow us also on: • ►Instagram: / historywomenphilosophers • ►Facebook: / centerhwps • ►Twitter: / centerhwps • ►Webpage: