🔧45RFE Automatic Transmission Disassembly in Spanish Desarmado e Inspeccion

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45RFE TRansmission • En este video vemos el desarme de una 45RFE de un Jeep. Esta transmission golpeteaba y tenia codigos de falta de presion. En el desarme podemos apreciar lo que fue averiado. • 45RFE Transmisión Automática - Parte 1 (45RFE Automatic Transmission - Part 1) • *Description:* • This video documents the disassembly process of a 45RFE automatic transmission. The video begins by removing the external components and progresses to internal parts, highlighting key components, their condition, and potential issues. The transmission is being disassembled for repair. The video provides a visual guide and commentary on the process and what to look for when disassembling this type of transmission. The video will be useful for those interested in automotive mechanics, transmission repair, and DIY projects. • *Key Components and Steps:* • *Initial Disassembly:* • The process starts with removing external parts, including the extension and tail. • The input and output speed sensors are removed using an 8mm socket. The video notes that these sensors may have been previously replaced. • The extension is removed using a screwdriver to pry it off. • *Output Shaft and Pressure Sensor:* • The output shaft is examined. The video indicates that the bearing is in good condition. • The pressure sensor is removed with an 8mm socket. It is noted that this sensor is prone to damage and can cause the transmission to burn out. In this case, the sensor is cracked and needs replacement. • *Pump and Valve Body Access:* • Two retaining clips are removed to access the pump. • A cover is removed, and two sealing rings are noted for replacement. • The 10mm bolts are removed. • The transmission is flipped, and 8mm bolts are removed. • The transmission fluid pan is removed. The video notes that there is a lot of burnt material, indicating the transmission is burnt. • The filter is removed. The main filter is also removed. • Six 8mm bolts are removed to access planetary gears. • *Valve Body Removal:* • A parking lock is removed with a retaining clip. • The valve body is removed. The video notes that this is an older model with a black connector, which should be replaced with a newer model with a white connector. It is mentioned that the bolts in the valve body may come loose. • A retaining clip in the valve body is highlighted. It must be positioned correctly to prevent damage to the valve body and the transmission. • *Internal Components:* • The pump is removed and set aside. • The drum is removed. The video notes that it contains components for first, third, reverse, and overdrive. • The reverse clutches are removed. They are described as being in good condition. • A flat retaining clip is removed. The orientation of the removed plate is noted with an X mark so that it can be reinstalled in the correct direction. • The overdrive clutches are removed. These are noted as being burnt. The pressure plate and retaining clip are also broken. • The underdrive clutches are removed. They are described as worn and unusable. • A retaining clip is removed from the underdrive clutches, noting that the flat side of the clip goes toward the inside. • The second and fourth clutches are removed. The video notes black lines that indicate slippage on the fourth clutches. • *Planetary Gear and Remaining Components:* • The planetary gear is removed. The video states that the planetary gears do not need to be disassembled unless there is noise. • The front planetary gear and sun gear are removed. • The video states that the transmission case is now empty. • The first and reverse clutches are removed, along with a sprag clutch. The video shows the sprag clutch rotating in one direction but not the other. • *Parts Needed:* • The video concludes with a list of necessary replacement parts • Overdrive clutch pack • Underdrive clutch pack • Pressure plate for direct drive • Pressure sensor • Solenoid pack • *Visuals:* • The video provides clear visuals of each component and the steps involved in disassembly. The video will be helpful to those with an interest in automatic transmission repair. Close ups and camera movements are used to highlight particular issues and components. • *Target Audience:* • Mechanics, auto enthusiasts, DIYers interested in transmission repair. • 45RFE, automatic transmission, transmission repair, car repair, auto mechanics, transmission disassembly, transmission rebuild, DIY auto, automotive, transmission failure • #45RFE #AutomaticTransmission #TransmissionRepair #CarRepair #AutoMechanics #TransmissionDisassembly #DIYAuto #Automotive #TransmissionFailure


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