Aspire 4 Whats New Example 1 of 2
**PLEASE NOTE: This Tutorial was created to demonstrate the features in V4-4.5(Aspire) which is no longer the current software available, and is here for reference to customers using V4,4.5 (Aspire) . Please refer to the latest software playlist for the current set of tutorials.** • Vectric are pleased to announce the release of Aspire version 4. This contains many enhancements and also completely new functionally. A key part of the development philosophy behind this release was to work through the most heavily used tools in the program to see if we could make them even easier to use. This has resulted in many additions and tweaks which will improve the general work-flow for all users. We have also added some very powerful new functions such as the Extrude and Weave modeling tool. • Aspire 4 General Product Information - • What's New in Aspire 4 - • #Vectric #CNCsoftware #CNCtutorial #VectricSoftware #CNC #vcarve #toolpaths • Subscribe to Vectric on YouTube: • See more FREE Project videos and downloadable files: • Vectric on Facebook: / vectric • Vectric on Instagram: / vectricltd • Vectric on Twitter: / vectric