Runescape PVM Guide Dagannoth Kings Tribrid Setup
This guide is a comprehensive guide for higher leveled players, with medium level equipment, to efficiently kill Dagannoth Kings. Dagannoth Kings are a boss that can be find in the Waterbirth dungeon on Dagannoth Kings are not a single boss, but three different bosses that attack with each style. • Dagannoth Supreme attacks with ranged, and is weak to melee. • Dagannoth Rex attacks with melee, and is weak to magic. • Dagannoth Prime attacks with magic, and is weak to range. • Don't want to watch the full guide? Click these times for specific parts in the video where you can find what you need. • Moderate Gear Set-Up (Equipped) - 0:00 - 0:50. • Moderate Gear Set-Up (Inventory) - 0:51 - 1:37. • Moderate Gear Set-Up (Pack Yak) - 1:38 - 1:46. • Getting to Waterbirth Island - 2:03 - 3:00. • Getting a partner/Opening the duo doors - 3:01 - 4:22. • Navigating through the caves (Part 1) - 4:23 - 4:53. • Navigating through the caves (Part 2; To Rock Lobsters) - 4:54 - 6:30. • Navigating through the caves (Part 3; The Final Spot Before DKs) - 6:31 - 7:19. • The First Assault (Fending off all three bosses to set the spawns) - 7:20 - 8:45. • Luring Dagannoth Rex to the safe spot - 8:46 - 9:15. • Method for duoing shown, so each partner takes minimal damage - 9:16 - 10:15.