Flushing a shallow well
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=LRko6GHYfUQ
The well has been in for a year now and I’m still pulling a lot of sand with every use. I never did flush it after installation so that’s my current goal. The plan is to use an electric pump to pull water from the bottom of the well and pull water/sand through the sand point. At some point in the process, the area should clear and the water should run clean. • The idea comes from another You Tuber who has the same set up as mine. Here is a link to his page: • Joe and Zach Survival ( / @joeandzachsurvival ) • The set up includes a generator, electric pump, pvc piping, and a garden hose. A critical aspect of this method is to use a ridged garden hose or a non-collapsible hose between the pvc piping and the input to the electric pump. Otherwise, the suction created by the pump could collapse the hose on itself. • The well ran dirty for the first hour and by the second hour the water was clearer. By four hours the water was very clear and had no mineral taste at all. I will confirm water testing results from the lab when they arrive. • I hope you enjoyed the video and learned something from it. Take care, God bless and we’ll see you on the next video