🔵 Destroy Devastate Demolish Decimate Annihilate Meaning and Examples



Danimal Cannon: So a bunch of you noticed already that this sounds like Annihilate . The short story is that just before the game released there was an unresolved contract issue with that song and I made this track as a replacement just in case things fell through. All the animations for that level were finished and there was no time to redo them, so I had to match all the programmed animations with this replacement song. However, at the last minute all the contract issues were resolved and there was no need for this replacement track. • Yes, I just connected these two tracks lol • Songs and vid used: • Destroid - Annihilate •    • [Hardcore] Annihilate (Original Mix) ...   •    • Excision   Far Too Loud - Destroid 8....   • Danimal Cannon - Prepare For Destruction •    • Danimal Cannon - Prepare For Destruction  


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