Nioh Seiryu The Wind Dragon Odachi Build
READ DESCRIPTION FOR MORE INFO~~ • Montage: 0:00 • Build: 4:54 • One of a couple Odachi builds I'll be dishing out, if this doesn't fancy you then wait for the next one. I had fun with this one though, new dragon is cool. • HOW TO GET GEAR: Daiichi set can be farmed from Ishida from Defiled Holy Mountain, either armor or smithing text. Tatenashi text can be farmed from Return of the Gourd, though practically every revenant is using the set in way of demon so have at it. Again the Cleaver isn't mandatory, the trait it has only effects enemies at full life, so you get 15% extra damage for 1 hit bascially. So you can settle for Kamui if you don't want to waste time finding one. • THOUGHTS ON ODACHI: I would say it's probably one of the most balanced weapons in the game atm. Which is probably a bad thing for people who like my stuff, as you guys want bones breaking and demon horns torn off haha. It's just slow outside of lw killing wise, no notable insane skills, moonlit snow can one shot stuff with certain setups, but only if you're skill or from behind focused, and still is slow. Unlike blade spin or madspinners you're not mobile enough, all the skills you have to stop in place to do. I would akin its output similar to Spear, but without the insane utility spear has (parry, trip, stance change, spearfall). • Thus, it's a lower tier wpn...for now. The editing of vid could have been better, I'll make sure to streamline the next without weird long/silent sections. I also wouldn't normally show the stat screen constantly, but wanted to prove I tackled each boss with similar stats/wpn you would fight the dlc the first time, even so much as too go into demon mode hindered. First centipede is prolonged to show how I normally buff before boss. Date I found that waiting for his swords to turn off made him much easier so I showed that as well. One warning, Ishida is hard(er) to take down with this build than most. A disclaimer, this build doesn't stay in lw up entire stage, or even half a stage. You go in and out of it in about a minute. Use spirit talismans against reds to debuff them and make dealing with them easier. • If you enjoyed the video leave a like, comment, and Subscribe baby! • ======================================================= • Dragon Of The North DLC Review: • Nioh - Patches Dragon of the North ... • 10 tips to help you in Nioh: • Nioh - 10 Tips Farming Methods for ... • How to cheese patch human bosses: • Nioh - How to EASILY CHEESE new conte... • Odachi (Raijin): • Nioh - Raijin (SUPER STRONG LW Odachi... • Kusarigama (Amaterasu): • Nioh - Amaterasu (~~THE BEST BUILD IN... • Tri-Sword Build (Stryker): • Nioh - Stryker (POWERFUL Tri-Sword Bu... • Axe Build (Mastodon): • Nioh - Mastodon (Super Tanky Axe Spin... • Sword Build: • Nioh - Nippon Steel (POWERFUL Sword/K... • Spear Build: • Nioh - Venom (FUN Powerful Poison S...