Stream Research Group Review Expert Networks
Learn more in our full Stream Research Review at • Stream Research Group is an expert network, which helps investors and management consultants research products, companies or markets through primary research with the people who know it best. Stream sources experts (perhaps including you!), such as customers, vendors, competitors, key influencers, or former employees. • Stream Research Group has a different business model than most other typical expert networks, where the expert is connected directly with the client for a one hour consulting call. Instead, Stream first arranges a recorded call between the expert and industry analyst. These calls are recorded and transcribed, and added to Stream's content library, which is available to all of its clients. Experts are usually not compensated for participating in these analyst calls, but do receive three months (recently revised from six months) of free access to the Stream library of over 35,000 recordings and receive invitations to participate in paid consulting engagements with interested clients. • Stream Research Group is a legitimate company and not a scam, though it has recently undergone an ownership change and several name changes, which can create confusion. Stream was originally a product offering of Mosaic Research, and was sold to business information service AlphaSense in October 2021. (Don’t confuse AlphaSense with the large expert network AlphaSights). Stream has recently used several names, including Stream Research Group, Stream by AlphaSense, Mosaic Stream, and Stream by Mosaic. • If a Stream associate has contacted you about participating in an a recorded analyst interview or paid consulting call, this Stream Research Group review will help you learn: • -What are expert networks and should you consult with them? • -Is Stream Research Group a legitimate company or have you been targeted for a scam? • -Are you really qualified to be an expert? • -Where should you set your Stream hourly consulting rate and can you be paid for recorded analyst calls? • -What to expect on an expert network consulting call with Stream Research Group • Thanks for watching our Stream Research Group review. We'd love to respond to any questions or feedback in the comments.