How to Play quotBleeding Heartquot on Jimi Hendrixs quotValleys of Neptunequot Album
I've had a few request to show how this is played on my video Hendrix on 1960 Fender Tweed Bassman and 1964 Super Reverb. I hope this helps. The main thing is seeing the position my hand is in and that the whole lick is played without moving your hand until you go down a whole step and repeat the lick. The rest is up to you to improvise. It is a fun jam. • After ten years of doing this and making basically nothing for my effort, I thought I would make a PayPal.Me link just in case anyone would like to contribute to the cause. I think my wife would be impressed if I showed her I could actually make a little money doing this. Any amount would be appreciated and you know I always try to answer all of your comments and take all of your requests. I don't know of a lot of YouTube channels that do that. Thank you in advance for your kind gift. Just PayPal me at • bitcoin donations: 3QHM7M7WAjy1cxKtH8uiPNwzLVxEdbwhWJ