Watch Dogs 2 SCHOOL BUS OF DESTRUCTION TBone Content Bundle


Watch Dogs 2 T-Bone Content Bundle - Bartha Landrock Motors New Vehicle Crazy School Bus of Destruction Gameplay • The first paid DLC for Watch Dogs 2 arrives today on PS4, delivering a small but significant injection of new, T-Bone-themed content aimed at experienced players. The T-Bone Content Bundle adds a new clothing set, a new ride, and a new difficulty setting for co-op missions – Mayhem – that introduce new ways to approach Watch Dogs 2’s open-world, hacker-friendly version of the San Francisco Bay Area. • The centerpiece of the new DLC is a new vehicle that does things no other ride does. A huge, armored school bus-turned-art car available through the Cars On Demand app, T-Bone’s “Bertha” is an absurdly awesome conveyance that belches fire, shoots ramming pistons out of its sides, and comes equipped with a front-mounted bulldozer scoop that sends nearly every vehicle it touches flying into the air in a cloud of debris (trains excepted). • It’s even more fun with a co-op partner along for the ride, and having a buddy with you will make the new Mayhem missions a little easier. Mayhem missions are tougher versions of co-op missions, in which respawning is turned off and the opposing forces are a lot tougher than normal. Like the existing co-op missions, you can also tackle these solo – but it won’t be easy, because you’ll now have to contend with large groups of heavily armed and armored baddies who will swarm in your direction the second you fire a gun, start a hack, or are otherwise detected. Thinning their ranks requires a careful mix of distraction and stealth, a ton of firepower, or (more often than not) both. Finally, if you want to dress like dreadlocked ne’er-do-well Raymond “T-Bone” Kenney, the bundle includes a full set of T-Bone inspired threads, complete with a new mask and bag. • ►Subscribe For More :D - • ►GameplayOnly (No Commentary) Channel - • ►Join the Network I'm with - • ►Follow My Twitter -   / gameriotarmy   • ►Instagram -   / gameriot   • ►Facebook -   / gameriot   • ►Gaming Chair Wheel Stand - (Discount Code - gameriot5)


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