Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics.What are Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics? Definition of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics: Hieroglyphics a system of picture writing which used symbols (hieroglyphs) instead of letters or words. Hieroglyphics use a combination of logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic elements. The word Hieroglyphics is derived from the Greek word meaning 'sacred writings. • Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and the Rosetta Stone • The Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics were a total mystery for many hundreds of years - people were completely unable to decipher them. In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte led a military expedition in Egypt and during this period Egyptian antiquities were transferred to Paris. • In 1799 one of the French officers discovered a black stone, which dated back to 196 BC, which was inscribed with text from three different languages: Greek - Top Section- Hieroglyphics - Middle Section-Demotic script ( Ancient Egyptian language ) - Bottom section • The black stone, containing text in the Greek and Egyptian languages, was found near Rosetta in the Nile Delta and from this it was given the name of the Rosetta Stone. Scholars were able to read and understand the Greek script and the process of deciphering and translating the Demotic script and the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics began by comparing the Greek and the Egyptian words. • • • • • • hieroglyphics definition • hieroglyphic keyboard • hieroglyphics translator • hieroglyphics symbols • hieroglyphics alphabet • hieroglyphics dictionary • hieroglyphic dictionary pdf • hieroglyphics font • hieroglyphics meaning • hieroglyphics translation • hieroglyphics rap • hieroglyphics trail • hieroglyphics for kids • hieroglyphics facts • hieroglyphics typewriter • hieroglyphics text • hieroglyphics chart • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics chart • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics alphabet • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics translator • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics symbols • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics facts • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics worksheet • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics numbers • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics font • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics letters • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics and meanings • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics activities • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics and translations • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics ankh • ancient egyptian hieroglyphics a-z