How to 90 90 Pigeon Stretch Modified Pigeon
The 90 90 Pigeon Stretch is an a great stretch to relieve tension in the glutes and hip rotator muscles. It will help you achieve greater range of motion and fluidity of the hip. • Start with one leg in front at 90 degrees, one leg behind at 90 degrees. This is called the 90 90 position. Try to face straight forward toward your front knee. Now hinge forward bringing your chest down towards your front leg. Try to aim toward your mid shin area. If you have to go towards the knee in the beginning that is okay. Go as low as you can with keeping a straight back. Cue yourself to arch the back as you lower. Press the knee and ankle down into the ground to activate some hip stabilization throughout the stretch. This can be done for reps (down, up) or holding at the bottom position. • Recommended 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps, 15 sec hold on last rep. • This exercise is a part of the Move Strong Now Program that develops Strength, Flexibility, Definition and Freedom in your body • Try my FREE Program: • Want to train with Josh via Skype? • Free Exclusive Videos on Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt: • Subscribe to Strength Side and as always I'll see you in the next one. • / strengthside • Stay Connected: • / hashtown • / strengthside